Taking Time Off Around the Holidays

Whether you have plans to visit out-of-town family, want to get away on a vacation while the kids are out of school, or just want some extra R&R, the holidays are a popular time to take time off work. Here are some tips to help you get the time off you want and prepare in advance so that you can completely unplug and enjoy yourself during your vacation during the holidays.

Plan Ahead

This may seem obvious, but how often do family members decide a week beforehand that they’re inviting the whole family two states over for Thanksgiving or Christmas? It’s wise to ask family members at least a month or two in advance what they plan to do, so that you can request vacation time. Many employers require 30 or 60 days advance notice. Check with your employer to find out how far in advance you need to request time off.  You may also need to consider saving a few vacation days throughout the year to apply toward your holiday vacation. The Balance says, “The earlier you ask, the more likely you will have your request approved. If you are in a sector like retail, hospitality, IT, or healthcare, where coverage must be maintained, then you may need to discuss scheduling with both your manager and your coworkers.”

Prepare to Be Away

If you’re working on a project that is time sensitive, complete your work beforehand if possible. Be sure to convey to your supervisors how you plan to ensure all your responsibilities will be taken care of before you leave for your vacation. Delegate tasks to team members, as needed to keep critical projects progressing while you’re gone. That way you can take time off without stress about work.

Kindness Goes a Long Way

The holidays can be a logistical nightmare for managers, especially if you are in a retail or hospitality industry. Be kind when you ask for the time off, negotiate when necessary and offer to cover the days around the next holiday if that works for you. A willingness to compromise will show your employer you are a team player.

Unplug Completely

PRSA suggests you “Turn off all work-related notifications on your computer and mobile devices. Even better, remove from your phone any apps that might tempt you to engage in work, like email and social media apps.” You’ll be surprised how truly “unplugging” rejuvenates you and refreshes your passion for your work when you return.

For more information about taking time off around the holidays:

Tips for Asking for Time Off at the Holidays (thebalancemoney.com)

How to Enjoy Time Off During the Holidays | PRSA


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